Sunday, September 13, 2009

A Prayer by the Writer for His First Day of Graduate School, September 13, 2009


Bless my parents, my brother, and all my relatives, Rostan and Kacenga.

Bless my dear friends, spread here, there, and everywhere.

Bless all the people in the world whom I care about, and all those I would care about if I only knew them.

Bless all afflicted by the evils of humanity, that one day they may be comforted and troubled no more.

Bless all who practice the evils of humanity, that they may experience repentance or divine justice.

Bless all who create, inspire, and instruct in hopes of bringing a society into being which is truly part of the kingdom.

And I humbly ask of you that my mind stay disciplined, focused, and open to all ideas, that my body remain strong to support me through the work ahead, that my heart be full of love and peace and empathy for my newfound partners in this great endeavor and cohabitors of this wonderful city, and that my reverence for You and Your righteousness and eternal plan remain paramount in my mind as I strive towards fusing the best of this temporal world together.

I humbly ask of you that for the next ten months, and all my days beyond then, I shall each day perform works in accordance with your faith to serve your other children.

And I humbly, meekly ask of you to bless my tiny little soul as I find my true self and my way on Your many paths.

In gratitude for the innumerable, undeserved blessings You have already bestowed upon me…

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit…


1 comment:

  1. That's beautiful, Andrew. I hope your prayers were answered and you had a fabulous first day!
