Saturday, May 30, 2009

Five Random Thoughts of the Day—May 30, 2009

  1. To whoever called me at Barnes & Noble yesterday:

    I suppose, Mr. Heavyset, Curly-Haired Guy Who Works At The Movie Theatre, I should be a little flattered that I have a terrific voice. However, when you try to pick up potential romantic partners in the future, a) accept it if they tell you they are not gay, b) do not automatically propose threesomes, and c), most of all, NEVER tell someone you have a special snack for them, to wit a really large hot dog slathered in mayonnaise, EVER AGAIN.

  2. Back to the Future—a film which takes place on my first birthday—feels like a whole new movie when you watch it with a packed house at the New Beverly and everyone is laughing and cheering and hanging on every word Christopher Lloyd says in the Q&A…including telling Jonathan that Brokeback to the Future is the true part four!
  3. Breakfast at The Griddle this morning was a great learning experience and a beautiful day out…Lisa and I shared the Golden Ticket and offered chunks up to our companions, still left it unfinished, and came away with (at least on my part) a much lesser food coma.
  4. We're all leaving. Tyler's going to London, Adam and Chad are looking at New York City, and Mike will probably find a smaller, cheaper abode, meaning the end of Big Pink. It's odd how we came together only to break apart. My theory is that in growing so close, we realized how UNLIKE the rest of Los Angeles we are and how much we needed to get out.
  5. But …this morning I listened to "Playing in the Band" by the Grateful Dead and realized that the euphoria of this year will be a magnificent comfort and strengthener to me in the days to come.

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