Friday, July 17, 2009

Period of Adjustment

Tomorrow will mark a week since I've been home, and the growing pains are finally over...I think.
Mommy in particular is overjoyed to have me back, but we had a few quarrels here and there. The trouble is that she taught me too well. I have learned to live my own life, do the things around the house which need done, eat and sleep and live as I would like to in the name of self-sufficient responsibility. In our house, with Dad and Marc usually busy, my semi-retired Mom does the majority of the cleaning, cooking, et al. So when I came home, I naturally wanted to help out, especially since they're letting me live here for fifty days rent-free.
I'm learning to see things more and more from the point of view of others, and now I understand what my behavior represents from Mom's point of view. She is grateful and happy, but it is a step to go from long periods of getting so much done on your own and not having too many people to talk to while doing it to having someone in the house eager to assist and eager to talk. We finally arrived at a great compromise today where, for a few weeks, she'll ASK for my help...and I won't keep explaining the motivations behind my actions.
Otherwise, Ohio is much the same as ever...and it's great to be home, especially when home means things you can't do or get anywhere else. Like caddying for Dad during golf tomorrow. And plenty of Handel's ice cream tonight!

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